Feeding The Deer In Istana Bogor
Bogor have one unique tourist destination. One of it is Istana Bogor which have many deer living around it. This time I try feeding those hungry deer 😀 and they are so cute :3. Actually it is quite fun playing with them here. Not many places near Jakarta like this. Moreover it is so scheap if you want to visit this place.
You can ride train local people call it Komuter Line to visit Istana Bogor. Because it is located near the station. You can just walk from Bogor station to where the Deer live. You can also try some culinary along the road to this nice place. Yes, Bogor have some delicious culinary that you can try sometime.
But, if you ony interested about feeding the deer in Istana Bogor, you can wath the video that I recorded below. Don’t forget to watch it, comment about it if you like, and off course you should like and share it. You can also subscribe my youtube channel, youtube.com/catperku for more interesting travel video.
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More About Istana Bogor

Istana Bogor is one of many Presidential Palace of Indonesia. It is located In Bogor City, just hours ride from Jakarta. It is located near Kebun Raya Bogor, and in this place live some animal like Deer. You can also doing tour in the palace with some arrangement. Or you can just see the palace from outside and interact with the deer just like in the video above.
This istana Bogor have long history. During the colonial time, this place was one of Governors-General favorite place. Maybe because Bogor is relatively colder and more comfortable than Jakarta. Indonesian first President, Soekarno also like to stay in this palace. It is also became his official presidential residence until his downfall in 1967.